— from Chris White for San Juans Vision Source —

Since our last update we have been managing acute cases daily, county wide, commonly on two islands on the same day. We have been preparing to reopen to a modified routine care schedule when San Juan County can emerge into Phase II. The CDC relaxed its urgent care restrictions on April 17, 2020. If all goes well Washington State and San Juan County could be in Phase II by mid-May; only time will tell. 

We have been busy re-configuring our offices, protocols, PPE and training to reopen. It is a complex process, but we are committed to your safety and ours. 

Dr White has been serving as an advisory volunteer to Optometric Physicians across the state in weekly webinars as to the best practices beyond OSHA, CDC and WA DOH. He has encouraged his colleagues to remain in contact with patients, local Primary Care Providers, local and state leaders so we all can reemerge timely and safely. 

Emails and text messages 

Our office relies on emails and text messages to communicate. If you have changed emails or cell numbers, please let us know. Our office numbers can accept text messages due to our secure voice over IP technology. 

Scheduling and Appointments 

We are now building schedules with a tentative reopening date of May 18. Appointment priority is complex as many factors apply, contact us this week if you: 

  • have had a rapid change in vision in one or both eyes
  • have a significant change in diabetic status 
  • have a lost a primary pair of eyewear or contact lenses 
  • are running low on medication refills 
  • missed visual fields testing during this time 
  • are a Plaquenil patient and are overdue to retinal evaluation 
  • are a glaucoma patient and have not had an eye pressure taken in 4 months 
  • are a Macular Degeneration patient and have not seen in 3 months 

Please continue to contact us for a telehealth or urgent care appointment if you have experienced: 

  • eye injury or eye pain 
  • acute symptoms such as red eye, discharge 
  • sudden onset flashes of light or floaters 
  • sudden loss or reduction of vision 
  • if you have an eye disease that you are currently being treated for and feel the need to engage for a case review with Dr White 

Before and During Your Visit 

To limit face-to-face interaction and amount of time in the office we will do everything possible to prepare for your visit in advance. We will assist you with payment of previous balances, review future appointments, update your history, review current medications and allergies, review ocular surgical history, family history and medical history. 

Initially you will be the sole patient in the office with two staff members practicing social distancing.We expect you will provide your own mask, or the appointment cannot proceed. This is important as we have plans for 180 days of PPE but as you know is in short supply nationwide. We will provide hand sanitizer as you enter and exit the office. The exam areas and equipment are always carefully sanitized with CDC approved surface materials and your visit is spaced accordingly. 

After Your Visit 

After your visit copays, balances will be collected by our phone center. 


Since converting to a new practice management software we have migrated previous statements from the legacy software to our current platform and have posted your statement to your portal. Please login here and check your balance. We encourage payment with our new pay online button on our website landing page. Our staff will be happy to assist you in this process if needed; call, email or text us.