Feldenkrais/Eurythmy Class @ Orcas Senior Center: Tuesdays in January at 11 am

Join Andrea Preiss, a seasoned Feldenkrais Practitioner and therapeutic eurythmist, for a relaxing movement class at Orcas Senior Center this January. Sessions take place on Tuesdays at 11 am, excluding January 30. Emphasizing a seated position, these subtle exercises rooted in the Feldenkrais Method and eurythmy aim to improve your mobility, stability, balance, and vision. Please wear comfortable attire and non-slippery shoes.

Session fees are $12 per class ($10 for OSC members). Andrea, a dedicated physical therapist with almost four decades of experience, obtained certification in Germany in 2002. She has taught in various Seattle locations and established a private practice in 2019.

For inquiries, contact Andrea directly at sound-movement@hotmail.com or 206-383-7705. Explore more about Andrea’s expertise at www.sound-movement.org.

Qigong with Joan Roulac by Zoom – First four Wednesdays, 9 am

Join Joan Roulac in her transformative four-week virtual Qigong series, designed to quiet the mind and fortify the body. Through these 15-minute sessions, experience gentle muscle relaxation, immune system strengthening, balance enhancement, and a boost in energy levels. The virtual series convenes on the first four Wednesdays of each month at 9 am, and the series fee is $40.

Joan, a Certified Teacher since 1987, ventured into T’ai Chi instruction and now extends her expertise globally through Zoom classes. For further details, reach out to Joan via email at Joan@MountaintopMusings.com or give her a call at 360-298-2789.

Pam’s Power Hour: Virtual Strength Training with Pam Evans – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 am via Zoom

Join Pam Evans in her invigorating Pam’s Power Hour strength training sessions on Zoom every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 am. Pam’s Power Hour offers a gentle yet effective blend of low-impact strength, conditioning, and flexibility exercises, enriched with ample stretching routines. The class follows a structured sequence, commencing with a thorough warmup, transitioning into standing exercises, and concluding with targeted floor work.

A certified aerobics instructor from her time in the US Virgin Islands during the 1980s, Pam recognized the advantages of strength training as she aged, leading her to acquire a personal training certificate.

Participation in each session is priced at $10, making it an affordable opportunity for individuals of all ages. For further details or inquiries, connect directly with Pam at 360-317-4636 or baca9214@gmail.com. Embrace the power of Pam’s Power Hour to enhance your strength and well-being!