Lenten Service & Soup Celebration planned for March 13

By Susan McBain

The March 10 service of the Orcas Island Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will offer a presentation by Gregory Kramer on Buddhism. Kramer is the author of Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom, which presents the central Buddhist teaching of the Four Noble Truths seen through an interpersonal lens. The service will be at 11 a.m. at the West Sound Community Hall, 884 Deer Harbor Road at Crow Valley Road in West Sound. All are welcome.

OIUUF is also joining forces with the Episcopal and Lutheran churches for the Lenten Service and Soup Celebration at Emmanuel Parish Hall on Wednesday, March 13, at 5:30 p.m. You are invited to attend and to bring soup or bread to share if you wish.

For more information, visit the OIUUF website at www.orcasislanduu.org. If you need help getting to either service, visit the “Contact Us” page on the website.