*Wednesday May 29th 7 pm.

Book signing for Deborah Rambo Sinn, a pianist appearing this week with Monique Mead for Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival’s Musician in Residence programs. . Sinn’s first book, Playing Beyond the Notes: A Pianist’s Guide to Musical Interpretation, was released by Oxford University Press in March. As a whole, the book helps pianists understand concrete ways to apply interpretive concepts to their own playing and gives teachers practical ways to teach interpretation to their students. The book is illustrated with over 200 repertoire excerpts and supplemented by a companion website with over 100 audio recordings, which Deborah recorded. Its market includes independent music instructors, performing pianists, and universities (as a textbook).

*Friday, May 31st 7 – 8 pm.

Best selling authors Jennie Shortridge and Erica Bauermeister will read from and discuss their new novels. For these popular Seattle authors, this is a much-awaited return trip to the island. There was standing room only for their readings two years ago at the bookstore. Shortridge’s new book–her fifth–is Love Water Memory, and Bauermeister’s–her third novel–is The Lost Art of Mixing.