“Come unto me all ye that are weary and I will give you rest!” 

Pastor Dick Staub of the Orcas Island Community Church says, “This summer’s KindlingsFest will provide rest for your souls and food for thought. There is no place better to renew your spirit, mind and body than the restorative, humanizing Orcas Island.”

This year, KindlingsFest will occur on July 27-30, with the theme of  “Turning Mourning Into Dancing” (Psalm 30). KindlingsFest is an event inspired by C.S. Lewis and the Inklings that in just four years has become a favored gathering of thoughtful, creatives for whom God is of central importance. KindlingsFest uniquely integrates the spiritual, intellectual and the creative in satisfying ways

“Turning Mourning Into Dancing” will be explored through outstanding lectures (Jerry Root: CS Lewis on Suffering and Joy, Biographer Eric Metaxas on the lives of William Wilberforce and Dietrich Bonhoeffer), devotional meditations (Michael Card), dance (Storling Dance Theatre & Karin Stevens Dance), music (Susan Osborn, Jeff Johnson, Grant Myles-Era) and Art (Larry McAdams). Plus Nigel Goodwin hosting the BagEnd Café and a Friday night dance.

Artists In Residence will be the Storling Dance Theatre, Vocalist Susan Osborn, and Artist Larry McAdams. Jeff Keuss hosts Four Sundance Films and Karin Stevens Dance performs. Plus Jeff Johnson and Grant Lyles Era offer meditative music and there is more yet to be confirmed!

Last year KindlingsFest sold out and registrations are coming in fast for this year. To register, go to: https://www.thekindlings.com/kindlingsfest/