Tom Welch entertains with a historical perspective on the Sept. 9 History Museum fundraiser, “Cruise into History.” Call now to sign on so that your hosts may prepare your lunch aboard. 376-6566.

Boarding time 12:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 9 at Orcas Landing

History Tour will benefit Orcas Historical Museum

Enjoy  a trip back in time aboard a narrated cruise around Orcas Island. Historian Tom Welch will lead Orcas  Express voyagers, with Captain Dan Wilk at the wheel, on a journey to ports and places from long ago.

The Orcas Island Historical Museum benefit “Cruise into History” on Sept. 9 departs at 1 p.m. and returns at 5:30 p.m.

Local historian and author Tom Welch will spin local yarns on this specialty cruise around Hull Island, venturing into Guerriere Bay and Ironsides Inlet — the names identifying Orcas Island, West Sound and East Sound in 1841 by Captain Wilkes’  Exploring Expedition in 1841.

The $99 ticket cost includes lunch, beverages and a little wine. The Orcas Express departs next to the ferry dock with Orcas Island Eclipse Charters. Call to make reservations at 360-376-6566.