— from Sandy Strehlou —

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The Town of Friday Harbor announces the installation of a new temporary public art display at Breezeway Park. The artwork, titled We Gave All That We Could, commemorates the 100th anniversary of the nation’s entry into World War I using photographs and words of San Juan County islanders who experienced the Great War at home and on the battlefield.

The exhibit at Second and Spring Streets in the breezeway leading to Sunshine Alley transforms a long wall with six windows into an innovative, new, outdoor art space.

This public art project was developed by the Friday Harbor Arts Commission and the Town’s Historic Preservation coordinator. It was made possible through the generosity of graphic artists Chris Minney of Tif and Gif Creative and Peggy Sue McRae, and is displayed with the permission of building owners Jeffrey and Alicia Carnevali.

Minney, a veteran who comes from a long line of family members who also served, said of the completed installation, “Being a part of the project was particularly meaningful to me. My relatives fought in WWI. I thought a lot about them while working on the panels.”

“Many of the images used came from the Legion’s collection of wartime memorabilia,” said local American Legion member Peter DeLorenzi, adding, “I hope the exhibit will help younger generations understand WWI.”

For additional information about the exhibit visit www.fridayharbor.org. To learn more about how World War I was experienced by San Juan County islanders, read the extraordinary essay “World War I: The San Juan County Experience” by Lynn Weber/Roochvarg, published April 6, 2017. Read companion piece here: orcasissues.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/WWI-Art-Installation-Companion-Piece.pdf

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