from Lindsay Malone

Saturday, June 15, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Get to know the forests and wood products that call Orcas Island home.

Get to know the forests and wood products that call Orcas Island home.

I know Memorial Day weekend was this last weekend, but here at Northwest Natural Resource Group we are looking forward to mid-June and the Orcas Island Forest and Wood Products Tour.

The Forest and Wood Products Tour is about helping the community choose wood from sustainably managed local forests and local businesses; benefiting the Island economy and supporting the health of Island forests. This tour is for forest owners, wood producers, architects, builders, craftsman, homeowners and anyone interested in learning about small-scale forestry and wood products businesses.

So, if you’ll be on Orcas or in the San Juans on Saturday, June 15th, consider signing up for this self-guided drive-it (or bike-it) yourself tour. Landowners, manufacturers, businesses and home owners who are incorporating local wood into their projects will open their doors to tour participants. Proprietors and contractors will be on-site from 10 am to 4 pm to host tours, share products and answer questions.

Registered participants will receive a tour guide with an overview map, location information, and forest and business descriptions. Select the sites of most interest to you and map out your tour. Registration is free.

To register go to our Survey Monkey link.

If you have questions or wish to register over the phone contact Kirk Hanson at 360-316-9317 or via email.


If you are interested in evaluating options for improving the economic and ecological potential of your forest, please contact Northwest Certified Forestry for a free site visit. A forester from NCF will spend up to two hours walking your forest with you and discussing both forest management options and financial and technical assistance programs available to you.