— from Juan Lopez —

Did you know that the largest number of calls to the sheriff department are domestic violence related? Or that the majority of the cases are perpetrated by males and that most of the time alcohol is involved? Or that almost all of the sexual assaults both adult and child that happen in our community are perpetrated by someone the victims knows and usually trusts!

I have recently joined the Board of DVSAS (Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services of the San Juan Islands) because I believe that every person deserves to have a SAFE place that they can call home.

As a male of this community I think that a large part of the solution lies within us, and that we can agree that no one deserves to be abused or feel threatened in their own home or community.

I believe that we can make a difference, therefore I have a two-fold challenge for you. First; consider joining other men on your island in the newly forming Men’s Action Group. For more information contact Advocate Richard Low at richard@DVSASsanjuans.org

Secondly, I ask you to stand up with me in the Campaign  “100 Stand Up Men!” This is an effort to have at least 100 men of our community donate $100 in honor of a woman in their lives.

Just a few of the services these funds will help DVSAS provide are:

  • Providing victims with the time and support they need to be safe, to access needed resources or to get an order of protection
  • Provide community awareness and education events for adults
  • Provide prevention outreach in the classrooms of our schools
  • Provide for professional therapy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault

I stood up to the challenge. Will you join me in this effort?

To donate please log on to: www.DVSASsanjuans.org  and click on the tab: “100 Stand Up Men.” For more information call your local DVSAS office: Orcas-376-5979, San Juan-378-8680, Lopez: 468-3788.

Thank you, together we can make our islands abuse free!