Monday, October 3

Artsmith Salon begins with  Kakwasi Somadhi at 7 p.m. at the Kangeroo House, followed by an Open Mic. 1459 North Beach Road.

Tuesday, October 4

Orcas Island Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Public Budget Hearing at 9 a.m. in the Community Meeting Room.

Wednesday, October 5

Employment trends and Future in San Juan County  by  Washington State’s Regional Labor Economist, Dr. Reinhold Groepler, the Regional Labor Economist for Washington State who works as part of the Labor Markets & Economic Analysis unit of Employment Security Department, specializing in Labor Market Information (LMI) analysis.F rom 10:30 a.m. until noon in the Garden Room at Key Bank, 95 Second St. S., Friday Harbor.

Election Forum by the League of Women Voters, 5 to 7 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center. Meet the contested candidates for the Port and Sewer District and County Charter Review and  also the uncontested ones  for School, Park and Rec, Fire and Port Districts. Discuss the propositions for the Land Bank Renewal, the Solid Waste Disposal Fee and the Orcas School’s one-year levy for repairs to the Elementary School. Register to vote (deadline is October 10 for mail-in or online changes) and learn about the League of Women Voters mission to inform themselves on the issues, including the Growth Management Act. For information, call 317-7518 or 376-1400.

Futures Fair — 3 day event begins at the Orcas School Library at 6:30 p.m. David Aramaki presentation on “Funding Your Student’s Education,” discussing financial aid strategies, tax issues affecting savings plans, college funding options and more. For parents with kids of all ages. Sponsored by The Funhouse and Orcas Island Schools. Call 376-7177 for more information.

Thursday, October 6

Futures Fair  Continues at Orcas High School and the Funhouse.

9:00 a.m. – Individual appointments with David Aramaki
10:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Futures Fair at Orcas High School
10:15 – 12:15 p.m. – Junior/Senior Class Sessions with Seattle based college counselors Arlene Prince and Judy MacKenzie
1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – One-on-one family sessions or one-on-one advisory sessions with college counselors. For more information, go to or call 376-7177.

National Theatre Live on screen — The Kitchen. At Orcas Center at 7:30 p.m. Arnold Wesker’s extraordinary play,  The Kitchen, puts the workplace center stage in a blackly funny and furious examination of life lived at breakneck speed, when work threatens to define who we are. Tickets ($15 and $11 for students — $2 off for Orcas Center members)  may be purchased on the website or by calling 376-2281 ext 1 or visiting the Orcas Center box office during box office hours which are Thursday, Friday and Saturday from noon- 4 pm.

Friday, October 7

Futures Fair Continues — 9 to  10:30 a.m. – One-on-one family sessions or one-on-one advisory sessions with college counselors. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to get individualized attention advice from top counseling professionals! Please call Krista at The Funhouse, 376-7177  or email for more details.

Orcas Horns & Nouveau Stride with Lorraine Feather and Stephanie Trick.  With band leader Steve Alboucq on trumpet and Martin Lund on piano and woodwinds, the Orcas Horns includes Orcas residents Gene Nery (guitar and vocals), Tony Morales (drums), Bruce Russell (bass guitar), Greg Books (baritone sax), Dimitri Stankevich (valve trombone), and Craig Canine (trumpet).  The band will perform at least one number together with the evening’s other top billing, nationally renowned jazz vocalistlyricist Lorraine Feather and the young stride piano sensation Stephanie Trick. Their set is made up of wild and frequently hilarious lyrical treatments of blazing-hot classic jazz pieces. This split bill of music is supported by San Juan Propane and San Juan County Lodging Tax Fund. &:30 p.m. at Orcas Center.
Tickets are $25, $17 (Orcas Center members), $11 (students) and may be purchased on the website or by calling  376-2281 ext. 1 or by visiting the Orcas Center box office, open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from noon- 4 p.m.

Saturday, October 8

Fall Farmers Market begins at the Oddfellows Hall the Second Saturday in October. Call Jennifer Pietsch, Market Manager @ 317-8342

“Words from Images” Writers Roundtable monthly meeting at the Public Library from 1 to 3 p.m.

Contradance to benefit the Orcas Island Seed Bank, a Food Masters Project, featuring “Hands Four” from San Juan Island, and including  dancing, live cider pressing (community welcome to bring apples to donate), Pie and Ice cream sale, Seed Bank display table, and Food Masters information table. From 7:30 to 11 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall. For more info contact Learner Limbach

Orcas Horns & Nouveau Stride with Lorraine Feather and Stephanie Trick.
(See Friday, October 7) 7:30 p.m. at Orcas Center.

Sunday, October 9

Lunch and guided tour of the Salmon Hatchery to Benefit Farm to Cafeteria. Sunday Lunch at the Inn at Ship Bay at 1 p.m. followed by a  personally guided tour of Glenwood Springs Salmon Hatchery. This unique hatchery began in 1978 on Orcas Island by Jim Youngren who pioneered “natural rearing” and the creation of a Chinook salmon run where none existed before.  Guests will experience the complete cycle.Donation is $40 per person for the lunch and tour – all monies raised directly benefit the Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program. For reservations, contact Madie Murray at or call 360-376-3371 or 3064. Checks payable to the Orcas Island Education Foundation (O.I.E.F.) may be mailed to 36 Colorado Blvd, Eastsound, WA 98245. Be sure to note on the check: “F2C Farm Festival Event.”

Dmitry Orlov’s lecture, “Fall of the American Empire” at Orcas Crossroads Lecture Series. 2 p.m. at Orcas Center, including a reception and book signing with the speaker following the presentation. Complimentary tickets are available at the Library and Senior Center. The purchase of $10 tickets, available at the Orcas Island Library, Darvill’s Bookstore, or online at, helps to fund the series. Remaining tickets, if available, can be obtained at the door.