Back to School Carnival Saturday, Sept. 10, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Orcas Commons is the new name for the Funhouse.

Pete Moe and Krista Bouchey consult on plans for Orcas Commons, formerly known as the Funhouse

The non-profit’s mission remains the same — a central, multi-purpose youth-centered community program, but its original focus — as a children’s science museum attracting tourists — has shifted over the years, both with the population the served and the local status of the economy.

To emphasize a new direction, The Funhouse is transitioning their name to Orcas Commons.

Orcas Commons Executive Director Pete Moe says,”The board and staff has seen this name change coming for over six months, feeling “The Funhouse” doesn’t really describe what we do.

“An advisory committee was formed to discuss the name change, and I was really surprised how excited they all were immediately. ‘Orcas Commons’ symbolizes a significant shift, a change that a lot of people have been anticipating.”

The non-profit organization will strengthen its resources in making the TEAM programs stronger:

T — Teen services, such as weekend teen nights, testing preparation and education.
E — Education, such as classes and meetings to serve the whole community, the new EcoFest in the summer, and of course the annual Science Fair.
A — After-school programs, involving active (unplugged) participation and connections with the island schools.
M — Mentor programs, serving adults and youth, from elementary school-age to seniors, in connecting interests and caring.

The youth-centered building will be open during the school year from 3 to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays and weekends. Teen Nights happen every Friday and Saturday from 6 to 11 p.m.

The Commons has increased supervision and security to the two-story building at the intersection of North Beach and Enchanted Forest Roads. There is increased staff and improved lighting, indoors and out, to remove visual obstructions. Teen Nights in particular will have increased adult supervision (and parent/adult volunteers are welcome to re-juvenate with the teenagers anytime, call 376-7177.)

The Carnival on Saturday will kick-off significant changes at The Funhouse, changes that have been in the works for months. They will be redoubling efforts to serve family and community, while putting less emphasis on being a tourist destination.

Core programs have been strengthened and improved with invigorated After School, Mentor, and Teen Night.

They will work closer than ever with the Orcas Island School District and the private schools to make sure they are providing services that are important and complimentary to school programming.

Orcas Commons also looks forward to welcoming more adults. At the Carnival they will unveil significant changes to the building that will make this a true community center.

To make these changes work, they ask for community support in two ways: membership and volunteerism. An annual family membership is an affordable $100.

They are always on the lookout for volunteers from gardeners, to Teen Night parents, to mentors. They have a job that is right for everyone!