Sunday October 27 at 7 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center

That would be folk musicians Carl Allen and Carl Burger, both well-known to Orcas audiences separately, but now together for a joint show. They will be performing Sunday evening, October 27th, 7 PM, at the Orcas Senior Center.

Carl Allen, who has been performing folk music since 1959, has visited Orcas many times, as half of The Wanderers, and in his Woody Guthrie persona.

Carl Burger has lived on Orcas for 21 years, and has been singing and playing with several Orcas artists: John Liger, Marc Cohen and Those Guys from Orcas.

The Carls met here on Orcas at several folk get-togethers. This led to their being part of a Kingston Trio tribute group, The Surrey Trio, who did an hour show at the Florence, Oregon Folk Festival early this year. Individually and together, you will hear some great guitar and banjo accompaniment to traditional folk and cleverly humorous songs. Lots of folk music fun next Sunday, 7 PM at the Senior Center.

Admission $12, more info at 317-7498