Molded, painted, fired and ready to serve you!

A colorful sampling of original bowls crafted by students; painted, fired and ready to serve you this Friday!

By Madie Murray

Whether you’re on your way to Skate Night, the movies, a lecture, or before you go home after a long day at work, remember to stop by the public school cafeteria this Friday, March 15 between 5:30 and 7:30 for some delicious bread  and  fresh home made soup served in a bowl of your choice made by one of our Farm to Classroom students and other Orcas potters.  All for a contribution of any size – and you get to keep the bowl.

The event is inspired by an International project called “Empty Bowls” where potters and other craftspeople, educators and others work with the community to create handcrafted bowls. The entire community is invited to a simple meal of soup and bread.  In exchange for a cash donation of any size, guests at the meal may keep the bowl of their choice as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world.

Ceramicist Mary Jane Elgin of Mary Jane Ceramics and Orcas Open Arts artist Penny Sharp Sky, with help from Rose Marie Altberg, Sharon Ho, Chelsea Cates and Evan Allred, have been working tirelessly for several weeks with our 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade Farm to Classroom students, helping them craft bowls for this event.

The artists have thoughtfully chosen the Farm to Classroom Project and Farm to Cafeteria Program as recipients of the funds raised by this year’s “Soup Bowl” dinner. Their efforts help make sure all our public school students have the knowledge and benefit of healthy, wholesome food regardless of their economic situations.