By Madie Murray

Even Mother Nature came to the party with sunshine and a beautiful sunset while 59 guests gathered at a 70-foot long linen draped table and shared a meal made of 100% Island products at the very first Harvest Meal on the Village Green benefiting the Farm to Cafeteria Program on October 7.   Naturally, an event of this kind is the result of the coming together of many people giving their time, products and enthusiasm for several weeks ahead as well as the evening of the event.

Geddes Martin and John Steward make fresh pizzas from scratch for guests at the Harvest Meal.

First and foremost, this was a celebration of our Island bounty and would not be the real deal without the incredible Orcas farms that provided the food items mentioned below:  Maple Rock, Taproot, Black Dog, Morning Star, Doe Bay Garden, Lum Family Farm and Red Rabbit.  Cindy at The Nest and Black Dog Farm also provided items for the table centerpiece.

And, our heartfelt thanks goes out to the chefs who prepared unbelievably beautiful and tasteful platters of the ham, beef, beets, several varieties of potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, green beans, onions, herbs and greens provided by our farms.  They were Geddes Martin of Ship Bay, Seamus Platt of Doe Bay Cafe, Madden Surbaugh of Outlook Inn, John Steward of Maple Rock Farm, Charles Dalton of The Kitchen and Christina Orchid of Red Rabbit Farm.

Christina not only prepared several delicious items for the Meal but also worked with the chefs to provide their dishes for the evening.   She and Bruce contributed the use of their table settings. Geddes and John served pizza appetizers fresh from their “Hogstone Pizza” cob oven on wheels.

Island Hoppin’ Brewery provided a tasty Eastsound brew made with Orcas Island hops and grains.  Ray’s Pharmacy provided the wines and Northwest Ciders and Meads to round out the fare.

Then, where would we be without all of the volunteers who gave their time that evening to help set up, decorate, serve and clean up:  April Pollock, Carol Owens, Nile Reed, Audra and Gerry Lawlor, David and Geri Turnoy, Margie Doyle, Rollie Sauer, Mathew Chasanoff, Keith Whitaker, Rick Markov and Edith Thompson.  Additional thanks to Lance Evans who went out of his way to help sell tickets and promote the event, and the Orcas Lions Club went out of their way to devise the perfect tent configuration for our incredibly long table.

Christina announced during the evening that this was the “first annual” Harvest Meal on the Village Green so those who missed it will have another chance next year.  And, if anyone has a direct line to Mother Nature, please keep it open so we can order up another perfect evening in 2013!