Summer Concerts on The Village Green, a joint venture between Orcas Center and Doe Bay, continue July 24 with The Talbott Brothers and Brograss. Showtime starts at 6pm, and is free to the public – although donations are appreciated.

The Talbott Brothers have earned a large and growing following for their songs consisting of down-to-earth messages that prove to be prevalent in today’s world. Originally from Imperial, Nebraska, they now call Portland, Oregon home. Billboard defines their music as “captivating with haunting brotherly harmonies.” Acoustic Selections from Ghost Talker is an EP of stripped-down songs hand selected from Ghost Talker, the duo’s sophomore album. Rolling Stone named their latest single one of the ‘Top 10 Songs to Hear Now,’ defining their music as “cinematic folk-rock for open highways, widescreen skies and the limitless reach of the American Heartland.”

Blood harmonies and sibling rivalry are evident in their songwriting with lyrics pulling from the trials of everyday life and the questions we all face. “Everyone has ghosts, whether they talk about them or not. We wanted to take off the mask and be honest with this record, hoping that what we needed to say is what people needed to hear.”

Opening for The Talbott Brothers are the local duo: Brograss. With their feet firmly planted in rootsy, mountain bluegrass, this young brother band brings a new energy to the form with their fast-picking style and brotherly harmonies. Brograss brings their mix of traditional and original bluegrass as a duo with guitar, mandolin, fiddle and voice, and also performs as a quartet adding upright bass and fiddle.

Concert seating is on a first come/first serve basis for groups up to six. Be sure to bring your own seating or blankets for a comfortable concert experience and remember to practice social distancing. Due to the ever-changing COVID regulations, make sure you check www.OrcasCenter.org for any updates before heading to the venue.


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