It has been confirmed that Gloria Flora, Director of Sustainable Obtainable Solutions, will attend the  Sustainable Orcas Island (SOI) meeting this afternoon.   The public is invited to attend the meeting at the Orcas Library, beginning at 5:30.

The SOI meeting has been moved from November 24 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Jared Lovejoy and Patty Miller, newly-elected Orcas East County Council member.

Flora is the scheduled speaker for this Friday’s Crossroads Lecture Series event, “From Depletion to Sustainability.”

Sustainable Obtainable Solutions, a nonprofit dedicated to the sustainability of public lands and the plants, animals and communities that depend upon them.    She works on Western land issues through education and activism and speaks on ecosystem stewardship, sustainability, people’s relationships to landscapes and the critical role of leadership that strives to make a difference.

Flora recently co-authored a report on how Montana can become energy self-reliant through renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation.  She works throughout the U.S. with the Center for Climate Strategies, assisting states to develop climate change action plans.

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