Tuesday, July 4, 6 p.m., Orcas Community Church

— by Carol Kulminski —

“Over seven years ago my beloved 66-year-old mother died from kidney failure.  She was morbidly obese and struggled with many ailments including Diabetes.  The harsh reality is that my mom ate herself to death and I was on the same path. My love and worship of food starts with her example.  I learned to eat when I was happy, sad, bored, and to eat as a reward.  I was a “professional” yo-yo dieter, losing and gaining the same pound over and over again, never getting to the root issue until Celebrate Recovery.”( Darla Lorbeski)

The Community Church is hosting a special celebration with Darla Lorbeski, a Celebrate Recovery State Representative who will be sharing more about what she experienced and what Celebrate Recovery means to her.

Darla has been participating and serving within Celebrate Recovery since 2009.  She is a diehard Seahawks fan and enjoys attending home games with her husband Mike.  They will be celebrating 30 years together in September.

In 1991, John Baker from Saddleback Church, started Celebrate Recovery for people needing help with issues that were blocking their happiness, health, and relationships. It is a program “not only for recovering alcoholics but also for codependents, those struggling with anger, sexual addictions, abuse, spending, eating disorders, and abandonment issues. .. basically, for anyone struggling with any kind of struggle. We even have a place for teens and little children to attend with their parents in order to work on breaking the cycle of addiction and dysfunction in their families”. (John Baker)

Celebrate Recovery has been meeting on Tuesday nights at the Community Church under the direction of Pastor Ryan Carpenter. Everyone is invited. At this special celebration on the 4th of July, you will have a chance to learn more about Celebrate Recovery .

This is a family friendly event at the Orcas Island Community Church July 4th at 6:00 pm. Pizza, BBQ, and drinks will be provided. Childcare will be available. This event is free.

For more information call OICC at 360-317-5741 or email carp@rockisland.com