— from Plan Ahead San Juans —

Join our growing team in formally asking for a  comprehensive
Truth in Planning statement  to be an official part of the Comprehensive Plan. Once a year, SJC law provides residents with the
opportunity to make a formal request for a change in the Comprehensive Plan.

A formal request was made for a “Truth in Planning” statement (also
known as a Build Out Analysis) in 2001 AND in 2018. Each time, the
Planning Commission recommended it be done. In 2001, it was
recommended that it be given the highest priority of county

The Planning Commission recommendation was dismissed by the County Council in 2001 and AGAIN in 2018.

I am resubmitting the application again for 2019.

You are being asked to add your name as a co-applicant to this
formal “Docket Application” request.

It costs you nothing. You don’t have to write or testify.

You can read the request and take one-click action at

Here are the steps:

1. Read the cover letter (and text of the application if you’re curious)
in the link above.

2. Print the attached co-applicant letter (the last page of the document in the link above)

3. Sign it

4. Get your signed letter to Joe scan or photo and email to
joesymons@me.com (other options available)

Detailed directions are in the cover letter in the docket application.

5. Feel Good that you took action to get real information about the
future you care about.

call or text 360 378 7577 
email to  joesymons@me.com

We are moving a rhinoceros.
One mosquito can be ignored; 
500 will make him move.

Let’s DO THIS!