Friday, December 16, 7:30 – 9:30 p.m., Odd Fellows Hall

— from Sharon Abreu —

We got some good news this week regarding Standing Rock and the Dakota Access Pipeline. While the Army Corps decision to deny the final permit to Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) is reason to celebrate, unfortunately the situation is not such that we can let down our guard or end our support of the Standing Rock Sioux and other water protectors who will need to continue their presence to make sure that ETP does not continue with drilling and construction of the pipeline despite the lack of a permit.

I hope you can join us as we gather for a Tea & Dessert Potluck at the Odd Fellows Hall:

WHEN: Friday, Dec. 16, from 7:30-9:30 pm
WHERE: Odd Fellows Hall, 112 Haven Road, Eastsound

Orcas residents who have recently spent time at Standing Rock will share their experiences with us, giving those of us who have been supporting their efforts a chance to feel a little more like we were there with them.

We’ll get updates on what’s happening at Standing Rock now and what we can expect going forward.

We’ll also briefly touch on the oil projects proposed for our area that people in our community are pushing back against, such as the recently approved Kinder Morgan/Trans Mountain Pipeline Project.

Admission is free, and donations to support Standing Rock are welcome.

Join us as we enjoy each other’s company and celebrate our continued support for Standing Rock.