— by Margie Doyle —

Eastsound PostMaster Donna McNeil has a quandary.

When homeless people started sleeping in the lobby of the post office in Eastsound, she allowed it, because, well, she has a heart.

But now people are abusing the privilege, leaving messes, and worse, putting directories in boxes which means the bomb squad protocol has to be observed, taking up a lot of postal employees’ time.

Not wanting to lock up the lobby after hours, preventing people from getting their mail in the evenings, Donna hopes that people will notify the sheriff at 378-4151 if they see questionable after-hours activity.

If such activity continues, Donna will have to lock everybody out of the post office building after hours.

Please report questionable activity 378-4151 so that it will stop — and the lobby will remain open.

Is that too much to  ask?