Our 1st/2nd grade classes and Montessori class have been studying our local resident whales and have written informational pieces about what we can do to save our resident orcas. Each class has written a class piece, through a shared writing experience after a brief study of our local resident orca whales. The students wanted to publish these articles to get the word out of what simple things we can do to help save our whales.

Saving Orca Whales
Written as whole class
Anne Ford McGrath’s 1st/2nd graders

IMAG6013On Orcas Island, we are lucky to have Orca whales living near us. While some of us have seen Orca whales, others have not. But we do know they live very close to us and we love our resident Orca pods.

Sadly, the Orca whale population is declining. Threats to Orca include: lack of salmon, vessels, pollution and low population. In the meantime, we can do some things to help save our Orcas Whales.

First, you can clean up beaches. So if you find plastic or trash at the beach, please be sure to pick it up and recycle.

Second, you should always follow the boating rules when watching whales. Stay at least 200 yards away from the Orca. Also, when you fill your boat with gasoline, please be sure not to spill in the ocean.

Third, you can help support or visit a Salmon Hatchery. This provides more food or Salmon for our Orca Whales.

Finally, spread the work about keeping our oceans clean. Tell fisherman, friends, family and other people. These are some ways we can help save our Orca Pods.