Our 1st/2nd grade classes and Montessori class has been studying our local resident whales and have written informational pieces about what we can do to save our resident orcas. Each class has written a class piece, through a shared writing experience after a brief study of our local resident orca whales. The students wanted to publish these articles to get the word out of what simple things we can do to help save our whales.

Orca Playing in the Salish Sea
A Class information piece written by Martha Inch’s Montessori Class

IMAG6012If you are lucky you might be able to see a pod of Orca playing in the sunshine and splashing in the waves around Orcas Island. These dolphins are found in oceans all over the world. It is wonderful to watch them as they play, hunt for food, and raise their young in the waters surrounding our island home.

Sadly these animals are declining in number. Pollution, motor noise, boat traffic and loss of food source are all threats to their survival. Their population is much smaller than it used to be

Fortunately there are things that we can do to help make sure they survive. One thing you might do is participate in a beach cleanup. Keeping trash off the beaches keeps it out of the water, the Orcas’ home. Another thing you might do is to use biodegradable cleaning products. This helps keep bad chemicals out of the water.

Finally spread the news, talk to others. Get everyone involved in saving these marine mammals.

If we are lucky the Orcas may return to their previous number. We will be able to enjoy watching them from many years to come!