Wednesday, May 17, 6 p.m., Orcas School Cafeteria

— from Devon Mann, Orcas High School student —

In April, a group of nine Orcas Island High School students embarked on the trip of a lifetime to Havana, Cuba. Led by Spanish teacher, Heidi Bruce, the trip lasted seven days. During their visit, students stayed with Cuban host families and embarked on various educational ventures such as meeting with government experts on solar power, learning about music-based community projects, and visiting permaculture farms.

When not participating in planned educational activities, students had time to explore the historical city of Havana on their own—visiting museums, shopping at flea markets, and eating at local restaurants. The group also got to experience the Cuban countryside when they traveled to Viñales Valley, where they met with villagers and toured local farms.

Eager to share their experiences with the community that helped make the trip possible, the students and their families will be hosting a Cuban-themed dinner and slideshow presentation at the school cafeteria on Wednesday, May 17, beginning at 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children. There will be limited seating, so get your tickets soon – at either Darvill’s or from students directly.