— from Governor Jay Inslee’s Communications Office —

Statement from Gov. Inslee on today’s Supreme Court order regarding McCleary

“Today, the state of Washington has been held in contempt for failing to provide the Supreme Court with the education funding plan it has ordered. This unprecedented action by the Supreme Court is a critical moment in our history. No one should be surprised, yet no one should minimize the court’s order. I urged lawmakers to act this year and agreed with the court that we must do more to adequately fund education, which I believe is both a constitutional and moral obligation. The Legislature now must act before it adjourns next year or face the yet to be determined sanctions.

“If we are to succeed now, we will need the help of everyone in Washington state, not just 147 lawmakers, as we rise to the challenge to avoid the court’s pending sanctions. My budget team has been hard at work crafting a plan to submit to the 2015 Legislature. I look forward to input from all Washingtonians and, most importantly, action from the Legislature.”