Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to discover the secrets of a ghost town and a well-known Washington state park…


Did you know the Washington State Parks system includes a ghost town? It’s true! The Franklin Ghost Town is located near Black Diamond. And it’s one of two Washington State Parks properties featured in a pilot program that gives you a new way to explore state parks through the Agents of Discovery mobile app. 

The more well-known park — Saint Edward State Park in Kenmore — is also part of the Agents of Discovery pilot. 

Just what is Agents of Discovery?

Agents of Discovery, a free educational mobile gaming app, uses augmented reality to motivate kids of all ages to actively explore and learn more about the outdoors.

State Parks staff have designed two missions (or games) — one for the Franklin Ghost Town and one for Saint Edward State Park.  

Within each mission are 10 challenges that are activated through GPS when you visit certain areas in the park. Some of these challenges will be hidden at first, but they will pop up on the mission screen as you walk around the park and get close enough to the location of each marker. When they appear, tap on the marker to begin the challenge. You will be asked to solve a problem or answer a question. For each completed challenge, you’ll receive points, up to a total of three, if you complete the challenge successfully on the first try.