OLYMPIA – Jan. 20, 2021 – The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission will hold its next regular meeting virtually on Jan. 28.

At the meeting, the Commission is expected to take action on the U.S. Navy’s proposal to conduct special operations training in 28 state parks.

Other Commission action items include:

  • Documenting their conclusion that the agency director performed satisfactorily in 2020, and that a meaningful evaluation process was used to reach this conclusion.
  • Approving the agency priorities for 2021.

The commission will hear staff reports and updates on:

  • The status of 2019-21 biennium revenues and spending; 2021-23 budget information will also be presented.
  • The status of the remote 2021 Legislative Session.

In other business, the Commission will elect officers for 2021, transfer the gavel to the 2021 Commission chair, recognize 2020 Commission Chair Steve Milner and determine committee assignments for commissioners.

The meeting will be held via WebEx and streamed live on TVW with a call-in option for those who cannot access the online streams.

A virtual work session is scheduled the day before the regular meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 27. Work sessions are open to the public; however, there will be no opportunity for public comment, and the commission will not take any formal action.

The commission will not take oral public comment during the regular meeting. A special meeting to hear from the public specifically about the Navy proposal is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 26. Written public comment will be accepted for all agenda items until 5 p.m. on Jan. 22 by email or mail.

Bi-monthly commission meeting

Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission


Work session
9 a.m. to about 3:45 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 27

Regular meeting
9 a.m. to about 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 28



Work Session WebEx attendee link
Regular Meeting WebEx attendee link
Password for both events: WAP@rks2021

TVW (regular meeting only)

TVW stream link


US Toll: (415) 655-0001
Seattle Toll: (206) 207-1700

Work session Access Code: 177 093 5469
Regular meeting Access Code: 177 271 7815

The commission has six regular meetings a year in pre-determined locations around the state. A complete agenda, including information about opportunities for public comment, is available on State Parks’ website.

The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission is made up of seven citizen volunteers appointed by the governor to staggered six-year terms. The commission is charged with providing policy direction for the agency. Commission meeting agendas are available online.

The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission manages more than 100 state parks and properties totaling approximately 120,000 acres. The Commission provides a variety of recreation opportunities for citizens and provides stewardship protection for a diverse array of natural, cultural and historic resources. State Parks’ statewide programs include long-distance trails, boating safety and winter recreation.