Silent Witness Initiative Comes to Orcas

— by Cara Russell —

DSCN5609Twenty-six red silhouettes of men and women placed on the Village Green in Eastsound capture the eye, causing many to park their cars and approach the display on foot for a closer look.

Each red silhouette represents a person in Washington State who lost her or his life to domestic violence in the the last year—displaying name, age, date of death, and a short synopsis of the details. “Remember My Story. Remember My Name,” states the placard.

There is room to walk among them, know their name, know the circumstances of their death, and feel the growing frustration with each passing silhouette that so many of their deaths could have been prevented — if only.

Thousands of men and women die each year in acts of domestic violence in the United States, and each one has a story. In 1990, the Silent Witness Initiative began promoting awareness to support an end to domestic violence through the use of community-based exhibits.

The Silent Witness Initiative has grown an international presence, spreading through all 50 states and in 23 countries. This is the first year that Orcas Island has participated. San Juan Island and Lopez also have installations.

“Join our efforts to end this tragedy, the placard reminds us, “because we need to remember their stories. We need to remember their names.”

Other Upcoming Commemorative Events:

  • Silent witness Vigil – Oct. 9th at 12:30
  • Doe Bay Pizza/Open Mic Night – Every Thursday, through the month of October, Doe Bay Resort and Retreat will be donating $1 from each pizza sold to DVSAS!
  • Ribbons – Look for the purple ribbons around town in honor of victims and their families.