Dear Orcas Issues readers,

As many of you already know, our Mail Chimp feature that sends or “feeds out” our Daily Digest headlines isn’t working properly, and since Sept. 11, the late-afternoon headlines — that go to over 650 of you — haven’t been sent. We apologize!

While we’re working to fix this error, please know that we’re updating continuously, as always — an average of six new stories every day.

You can always go directly to our site at and bookmark it or make it a homepage to keep current. A few more reminders about getting your news from Orcas Issues:

  • We list the most recent posts or articles on the left-hand column or “sidebar,” just scroll on down and click on the one that interests you
  • You can access our Archives, further down on the left-hand sidebar, and read ALL our posts without registering or providing further information
  • You can always type in the subject you’re looking for in the “Search” window at the top of the right-hand column or “sidebar” — again without registration. (Just realize that you’ll get all the calendar items relating to your subject as well as the articles).

We know you rely on us and value our Daily Digest “headlines” that come to your email. While we work to restore the headlines, please feel free to email us at, or phone 317-7518 to let us know how we can help you,

Thank you for your patience,

Margie Doyle and Lin McNulty