Susan Osborn to sing in Friday Harbor on Friday, March 1

Susan Osborn to sing in Friday Harbor on Friday, March 1

Friday, March 1 at 7 p.m. in Friday Harbor

Sponsored by San Juan Islands Museum of Art, internationally known vocalist– and Orcas Island resident — Susan Osborn will present an evening, Friday March 1, 7 p.m., of song and stories about her 21 years of concerts and teaching in Japan.

Susan Osborn said in 2011, “Japan is my second home.  The generosity, kindness and depth of the people there, and the beauty of that ancient culture have nourished me profoundly over the past 21 years and I am forever grateful.”

In the beginning, Susan was invited to record a project of traditional Japanese with the intention of giving these songs, which were no longer being taught in schools, back to the kids. Upon its release that project, “Wabi,” received a Recordo Taisho, a Japanese Grammy, and that was just the beginning of the adventure.

The concert will be held at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church. Tickets are a suggested donation of $15. and are for sale at Isle Be Jammin’ Music Store and the IMA Museum.