By Samara Shaw

Shantparv Roloff will give a free presentaion at the Orcas Library this Saturday, July 2 at 7 p.m. about the Song of Evolution Project.

The Song of Evolution Project is working to create as many Harmonic Resonant Sites as possible between now and October 2011. It invites us to join in conscious co-creation of the Evolving Living Spirit of our World.

Shantparv Roloff recently accompanied the Waitaha (first peoples of New Zealand) on a sacred pilgrimage in the Northern Hemisphere of the Americas. This journey provided him with the inspiration and passion for The Song of Evolution Project.

This introductory presentation on the Song of Evolution Project will provide an in-depth view and history of Earth Mechanics and an explanation as to why the time to take action is NOW.  The presentation also prepares us for the Song of Evolution Experience, the building of a sacred resonant site that simultaneously magnifies, broadcasts, receives as well as becoming a focal point for meditation and ceremony in the community.

To create the Resonant Sites, we utilize sacred geometry, crystals, prayer and each participant’s heart’s vision and voice, to honor the evolving Song of our own Greater Self.  We attune ourselves to a morphegenic energy field of empowered remembrance, truth, and joy to create a world of new possibility, love & connection.

Shantparv has been a disciple of Osho for the past 30 years and is a scholar of the Mayan culture and their calendar, quantum physics, and biology.  All these teachings integrate the mystical and interpersonal understandings to bring the work forward at this crucial time in our World.

A workshop to create a sacred resonant grid will be scheduled, if there is enough interest in the community.

For more information, please e-mail Shantparv:
or call Samara at 376-6771.