There have been a number of changes to the schedule for the canoe journey. Here is the most up-to-date information I have. This schedule includes only the events open to the public.

  • Wednesday, May 25
    • 4:00 Victory Paddle and Landing at Camp Orkila (public welcome, bring your own chair if desired) – will involve ceremony
      6:30 Dinner (Camp Orkila is serving the canoe families, public is welcome but should bring their own dinner and chairs)
      7:00? Canoe Family Protocol (songs, dances, stories, gift sharing – public welcome) – starts after dinner
      11:00 Conclusion
  • Thursday, May 26
    2:00 Afternoon storytelling with the Elders at the Village Green
    (public welcome)
    6:30 Dinner (same as Wednesday, public welcome, but bring own dinner and
    7:00? Canoe Family Protocol (public welcome) – concludes at 11:00
    11:00 Conclusion
  • Friday, May 27
    9:00 Canoes depart for Lummi (could be as late as 10:00) – public welcome

If you haven’t had a chance to donate to make this event happen, here are the three ways you can contribute:

  1. Camp Orkila – Checks should be made out to YMCA Camp Orkila. They should be mailed to: PO Box 1149 Eastsound WA 98245
    They need to include a note that this is to support the Gathering of Eagles Canoe Journey. The note also needs to indicate if they need a letter from a 501c3 saying they made a donation. We cannot do online for this as all online donations go to the general scholarship fund to be used wherever the greatest need is, not so a specific program.
  2. Donate through Peter Fisher’s Kids and Canoes 501c3 at OICF  https://oicf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create?funit_id=1146
  3. Friends of the San Juans – Donate either online through their website or by sending a check to FOSJ, indicating that the contribution is for the Orcas Island part of the Gathering of Eagles or Indian Canoe Journey. Checks can be mailed to FOSJ, PO Box 1344, FH 98250.

I have just been informed that a totem pole will be at Odlin Park on Lopez during the paddlers’ time on Lopez, which is Sunday afternoon to early Monday. This is the totem pole that accompanied the Lummi journey to the Snake River the last couple of weeks to advocate for breaching the four Lower Snake River dams. Unfortunately, it will not be coming to Orcas Island.

If you have any questions, you can contact me at 360-376-4165 or at davidgeri@rockisland.com.