Friday – Sunday, July 21 – 23, 9 a.m.  5 p.m., San Juan Island Museum of Art

— from Malinda Dreyer for San Juan Island Museum of Art —

The San Juan Island Museum of Art is offering a three-day pastel workshop this summer, entitled Introduction to Plein Air Landscape Painting in Pastels.

Instructor Steve Hill has said, “My passion is to find special places…and explore these with every element of my psyche dialed into the joyous, expressive, and interpretive language of painting onsite.” He is a signature member of The Northwest Pastel Society, and an active plein air painter and studio artist from Lopez Island, WA.

Registration deadline is July 7. Students of all levels may register at For questions call Malinda at 360-378-1918. Tuition is $300 and minimum class size of eight students and a maximum of 12.