Public Hearing to be held Tuesday, March 29 in Friday Harbor

— from Colin Maycock, Senior Planner, San Juan County —

The County Council will be taking public testimony on the proposed Shoreline Master Program (SMP) update at a Public Hearing on March 29, 2016, 9:15 a.m. in the County Council Chambers, 55 Second Street, Friday Harbor.

The corrected public hearing notice containing directions for the submission of public comments can be found here:

The Council will be considering the following documents:

The draft Comprehensive Plan Section B, Element 3:

The draft ordinance repealing Sections 18.50.010 – 18.50.390 of Chapter 18.50 SJCC and amending Official Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Shoreline Maps; adopting new Shoreline Master Program Regulations and a Shoreline Restoration Plan; and amending Section B, Element 3 of the Comprehensive Plan and Chapters 18.20 and 18.80 SJCC can be found:

The draft restoration plan can be found at:

The draft Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Shoreline Map for San Juan Island can be found at:

The draft Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Shoreline Map for Lopez Island can be found at:

The draft Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Shoreline Map for Orcas Island can be found at:

Email comments should be directed to Please title your emails: SMP comments from (your last name or agency name).

If you have questions, please contact me at: 360-370-7573 or by email at