Public Comments Accepted at Dec. 15 Public Hearing

— by Margie Doyle —

At the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) meeting on Thursday, Dec. 3, County Councilman Rick Hughes announced the postponement of the Shoreline Master Program update hearings until January 2016.

The decision to postpone council discussion sessions and public hearings until 2016 followed the public hearing on Monday, Nov. 30 in Friday Harbor in which county residents spoke at length regarding the concerns of the proposed document. Council has received hundreds of pages of comment and documentation and intends to dedicate the time needed to consider the opinions of the public, said Hughes.

Since the Nov. 30 hearing, the Council has heard public comment for the record at meetings on Lopez Island on Dec. 1 and on Orcas Island on Dec. 3 and Dec. 11.

Another public hearing will be held at the Dec. 15 County Council meeting in Friday Harbor. Public comment will be taken on the SMP ordinance which includes regulations, land use and shoreline maps and a Shoreline Restoration Plan.

The plan may be viewed at