February 8, 2017
17-000715 Attempted Suicide 09:38:30 02/08/17
A deputy responded to an overdose in Friday Harbor. The person was transported to the hospital for treatment.

17-000718 Mental Health 13:20:00 02/08/17
A Deputy was summoned to Peace Health Medical Center in response to a subject that was being uncooperative with the staff. I was subsequently informed Juvenile Court that the subject was in violation of a court order and it was requested that I take her into custody.

17-000720 Traffic Hazard 13:32:19 02/08/17
Vehicle slid into ditch near 3600 Center Rd partially blocking NB lane. Parents arrived, pulled vehicle out. No damage. Everyone sent on their way.

17-000728 Traffic Hazard 15:57:02 02/08/17
Vehicle lost traction on hill, southbound on Center Rd. Pushed to safe spot and helped driver chain up.

17-000736 Welfare Check 18:46:57 02/08/17
A deputy was sent to a San Juan Island residence to conduct a welfare check. The deputy was unable to make contact with the subject at the residence.

February 9, 2017
17-000743 Trouble Unknown 08:37:36 02/09/17
A Deputy responded to a Lopez Island residence for a trouble unknown complaint. It was determined the homeowner called 911 after her family member started hyperventilating from stress caused by on-going conflict with another family member. There was no crime and no medical response required.

17-000744 Found Property 09:19:35 02/09/17
A Deputy was dispatched to an Eastsound business in regards to found property. The business attempted to contact the owners with no luck. The items were collected as found property. A report was taken.

17-000745 Vehicle Prowl 11:07:09 02/09/17
An Orcas deputy responded to a vehicle prowl in the Olga area. A citizen’s vehicle that was parked on the side of the roadway due to the heavy snow was broken into and tools were taken. The investigation continues.

17-000747 Threats 13:39:32 02/09/17
A Deputy was dispatched to a report of Harassment in Friday Harbor. After contact was made both parties agreed to stay apart. No further.

17-000748 Animal at Large 16:44:06 02/09/17
An Orcas citizen called regarding an ongoing issue with lose cattle in the Doe Bay area. An informational report was taken.

February 10, 2017
17-000754 Burglary,NonRes 08:31:22 02/10/17
A SJC Deputy responded to a reported Commercial Burglary in Eastsound. The victim estimates an approximate 20 to 30 thousand dollars’ worth of merchandise had been taken. The case is being actively investigated.

17-000757 Accident-NonInj 09:32:28 02/10/17
A Deputy was dispatched to collision that occurred the night before in Friday Harbor. The driver was not injured and a collision report.

17-000763 Fraud 11:27:41 02/10/17
Dispatch informed me that the RP wanted a telephone call back regarding a report
of fraud. I came into service early, handled one priority call and then called
her back at 1203 hours. I got her voice mail and left her a message to call me

17-000769 Theft 14:41:57 02/10/17
A Friday Harbor resident came to the Sheriff’s office to report identity theft. When he filed his income tax returns he found someone else had already filed under his name and social security number. He was filing a report per the FTC guidelines and had notified his banks and credit card companies.

17-000776 Theft 22:58:06 02/10/17
A Lopez deputy was dispatched for a roommate dispute.

February 11, 2017
17-000778 Found Property 07:17:24 02/11/17
Complainant brought an iPhone and case to Dispatch. Complainant stated the items had been found lying along the street, near Sunshine Alley. The phone was operational and in good condition.

17-000781 Animal at Large 10:05:36 02/11/17
A Friday Harbor resident came to the Sheriff’ Office to report a dog at large. He gave the address and description of the dog. Deputies checked and the dog and owners were gone for the weekend. Deputies will contact the owners and give them copies of the county animal ordinances.

17-000790 Unwanted Person 16:35:00 02/11/17
A Deputy on San Juan Island received a report of an unwanted person. The unwanted person was contacted and was given a trespass warning for the property.

17-000792 Rape/Attempted Rape 17:38:56 02/11/17
A Deputy in Friday Harbor received a report of a person with mental problems. The Deputy contacted the person and resolved the issue.

17-000795 Theft 21:41:30 02/11/17
Deputies investigated a report of a license plate that was placed on a vehicle that did not belong to the owner of the vehicle.

February 12, 2017
17-000797 Domestic Dispute or Assault 00:42:40 02/12/17
The Sheriff’s Office responded to a residence in Friday Harbor to investigate a domestic disturbance. The deputy found this incident to be verbal only and no other action taken.

17-000806 DUI 12:59:00 02/12/17
A Deputy responded to the 4100 block of Roche Harbor Road reference a possible DUI driver. Driver was located and arrested for DUI.

17-000809 Traffic Hazard 18:34:42 02/12/17
A Lopez deputy was dispatched to a reported utility pole down blocking the road. An investigation showed the pole was struck by a vehicle which then left the scene. Investigation continues.

February 13, 2017
17-000818 Found Property 11:14:51 02/13/17
A citizen contacted an Orcas Deputy in regard to found jewelry on her property. A report was taken.

February 14, 2017
17-000845 Vehicle Prowl 15:44:27 02/14/17
An Orcas deputy responded to a report of vehicle prowl in Eastsound. The vehicle’s window was busted. No report of items stolen.

17-000849 Domestic Dispute or Assault 19:41:26 02/14/17
An Orcas deputy was contacted by a citizen regarding ongoing family dispute and wanted to share their concerns. A report was taken.

February 15, 2017
17-000853 Welfare Check 06:03:39 02/15/17
A Deputy responded to a Lopez Island residence for a firearms complaint. It was determined a woman pointed a loaded gun at her ex-husband. The Deputy took the perpetrator into custody for a mental health evaluation. An investigation is being conducted for Assault 2nd Degree-Domestic Violence.

17-000858 Welfare Check 11:13:16 02/15/17
A Deputy was dispatched to a welfare check in Friday Harbor. Subject involved was later transported to a medical facility for further evaluation.