— from Sara Boyle for Orcas Senior Center —

The Orcas Senior Center is thrilled to be accepted into the Orcas Island Community Foundation’s spring grant cycle. This initiative gives us the chance to promote not only our grant request but work as a team to help all Orcas nonprofits listed in the catalog reach their goals and help our island thrive!

The Orcas Senior Center 2018 Grant Request is titled We Hold the Wisdom of the Ages; Help Bring Us Up-to-Date! Lack of computer skills for elders can be as isolating as loss of sight, hearing or speech. OICF award funds will help seniors gain and maintain technical skills they need to remain connected and relevant in today’s computer-dependent world.

Orcas Senior Center (OSC) will provide elders access to technology equipment (via implementation of weekly computer labs and loaner equipment), and learning including:

  1. Workshops teaching device utilization, accessing services online
  2. Access to telemedicine, technological interventions
  3. A stipend will be offered to participants for individual consultations.

We hope to raise a total of $20,000 to cover the expenses of this initiative. Visit our website to view the entire grant request as well as view the “Cyber Seniors” video! Donations can be made via www.giveorcas.org/. GiveOrcas Game Days give us the opportunity to drive donors to the grant requests – we will be promoting these days throughout the month. Thank you for your support to help our island THRIVE and age well on Orcas!.