Most islanders know the Orcas Senior Center and the services it offers, like lunches at noon, meal delivery, companionship through Hearts and Hands, and foot care. What people may not know is that many of the center’s services and programs are funded through memberships, donations, and grants.

When the pandemic hit requiring us all to shelter in place and the center to close its doors to the public, staff quickly adapted new and safe ways of meeting the needs of the island’s most vulnerable to ensure no one would be forgotten.

Since March, 75 volunteers with the Buddy Check-In program have spent 464 hours calling to check in on 1,883 members of our senior population; and engaging more volunteer drivers to deliver the 260 percent increase in the number of meal deliveries.

Even with financial assistance from donations, memberships, and grants, the cost of maintaining this pandemic level of vital services is placing a drain on the center’s financial resources.

Frankly, we need your help.

We know what we do is important to the people who receive – and provide – our services. We hear from clients who tell us how comforting it is for them to receive a check-in call or how vital it is to receive a hot meal; and our volunteers consistently talk about much they look forward to visiting with their senior buddies or delivering that meal.

As the need grows, so does the need for additional funding.

Please consider making a donation to Orcas Senior Center at www.orcasseniors.org. A $25 contribution pays for a week’s worth of Meals on Wheels. A gift of $150 will pay for six weeks of PPE supplies for the foot care program. A gift of $1,000 will cover two weeks of meal prep for Meals on Wheels.

With your help we will reach our goal of $50,000 and maintain the services and programs so necessary to our island’s most vulnerable.