Updated Nov. 23 at 10 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center in Eastsound

Knit blanket, holiday quilt and hardware basket are raffle prizes at the Holiday Festival of the Arts at the Senior Center Festival on Saturday, Nov. 26

After Thanksgiving, and after Black Friday, the Senior Center Advisory Committee starts the fun, food and festivities of the Holiday Season with its traditional “Holiday Festival of the Arts.”

On Saturday, Nov. 26, the halls of the Senior Center off North Beach Road will be bedecked with the huge snowflakes, recycled several years ago from a Macy’s Department Store. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. the Betty Lundeen Room, the smaller conference room, the lobby, kitchen and hallways of the County offices wing will bustle with artists, craftsmen and women, shoppers and lookers-on who just want to enjoy the lively community event.

Jane Heisinger, Coordinator of the Advisory Committee, says, “I love that the Senior Center’s turned into a beautiful with Christmas decorations, trees and snowflakes, Santa and Mrs. Claus and all the local artisans — it’s just plain fun!

“And it’s a way to support the Senior Center and local artists, some of whom say the proceeds from the fair gets them through the winter.”

Admission is $1 or a donation to the Food Bank. Heisinger says, “We get a lot of contributions to the Food Bank.”

Martin Lund will play holiday and Christmas music and there will be an appearance by the Senior Songbirds, who meet after lunches at the Senior Center each week.

Santa and Mrs. Claus will take a quick break from their “day jobs” at the North Pole to visit with Orcas children, and photographer Damien Stark will be on hand to take pictures of any who want to be photographed with the jolly old elf.

Three major items will be raffled off to benefit the Senior Center:

  • The Advisory Committee has put together a tool basket valued at over $450
  • Karen Blinn has made and donated a 51-inch square holiday-themed quilt
  • Magdalena VerHasselt, Chair of the Advisory Committee, has knit a large wool-and-mohair “patchwork” blanket of animals in earth tones.

Tickets for the raffle items are $2 each or 3 for $5, and raffle tickets can be mixed among the three items or all put in one basket. The drawing for the raffle items will be at 3 p.m. Raffle winners need not be present to win.

Silent Auction items include one week at a condominium in Bozeman, Mont., a chrystal bowl, a Frank Loudin print and a basket from Moon Glow Crafts.  Gift wrapped local business coupon books will also be sold by the Committee.

All booths are purchased for $30, and those selling their merchandise give 10 percent of profits, after their first $100, to the Center.

Barbara Bentley will man a table with her hand made sock, knit on an antique knitting machine.
Carol McKinstry will sell felted flower pins and hats.
Susan Osborn will offer purses she makes from authentic Japanese kimonos.
Sandra Osterhause will bring the replicas of Santa Claus that she has fashioned.
Student Keith Light’s booth will showcase his hand-tooled pens.
Maria Papademitrou brings her jewelry, boxes and art to sell.

New artisans this year include Alonzo Statham and his girlfriend Rachel Heath who are marketing fimo sculptures, jewelry and clocks; and Ebba Brophy from Olympia brings handpainted glass ornaments.

There will be baked goods for sale in the lobby, and hot panini sandwiches, made in the kitchen, can be enjoyed at a small eating area in the smaller conference room.

Members of the Senior Center Advisory Committee are:

  • Stephen Bentley
  • Gwyneth Burrill
  • Dale Ely
  • Judy Flath
  • Penny Hawkes
  • Trudy Irwin
  • Thelma Kallam
  • Fritz Kraetzer
  • Irene O’Neill
  • Hawley Roddick
  • Michelle Streich
  • Jack Titus
  • Magdalena Ver Hasselt, Chair
  • Milly Vetterlein
  • Judy Zimmerman

Betsy Louton, of Hearts and Hands Volunteers, is a committee employee who assists with the Holiday Festival.

Membership in the Senior Center is available to all who are over age 60.