Thanks to everyone who participated in the recent Orcas District Committee election. We received 77 valid ballots, and the results are in! Tom Eversole, Diane Craig, Elsie Pamuk, Greg Raffelson, Darcey Miller, Allan Rosato, and Jennifer Hairston all received sufficient votes to allow them to continue to serve on the committee.

They join longstanding members Maggie Kaplan, Jerry Todd, and Lynnette Wood who, together with staff, work with organizational partners to manage the programs and facilities of the Orcas Senior Center.

There is room for more! Our bylaws allow for up to 15 committee members. So, if you are interested in joining a highly relevant and engaged group of dedicated individuals who are committed to increasing and improving services to seniors and persons with disabilities on Orcas Island, then please consider joining us.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact Lena Kassa at Lena@orcasseniors.org or (360) 919-9312.