“Self-Hypnosis for A Healthier, Slimmer You” will be offered at the Orcas Island Public Library by Virginia Erhardt, Ph.D.  This series of four weekly classes for adults will be offered each Thursday in February, beginning February 3rd, from 6 to 8 pm.

This course will offer you an opportunity to learn self-hypnosis to harness your imagination and your subconscious mind, empowering you to change your relationship with food and your activity level, resulting in the capacity to enhance your thinking, your emotions, your body, your life.

The class will explore individual causative factors resulting in excess weight.  Virginia will provide an introduction to and an overview of hypnosis and self-hypnosis.  After identifying realistic desired goals, students will learn how to state them in hypnotic language.  Students will be taught to induce, deepen, and emerge from their own hypnotic trance, and are encouraged to bring equipment to record experiential portions of the class for use at home.

Virginia Erhardt is a Licensed Psychologist, certified in Clinical Hypnosis by The American Society for Clinical Hypnosis.

The cost is $20 per person for the series of four classes, with the proceeds to be donated to the Library.  Class limit is 20 students; please visit the library to register.  The class offered in October filled quickly, with numerous individuals on the wait list who could not be accommodated.  Please register early!

For further information, please contact Kathy Lunde at the Library, 376-4985.

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