Saturday, March 16 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Friday Harbor

The San Juan Islands Agricultural Summit is just around the corner!  Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 16, for all things agricultural, including:

  • Workshops
  • Seed Sharing
  • Roundtable with county council candidates
  • Locally grown lunch
  • Social hour and contra dance

Paul Stamets, internationally renowned mcyologist and author, will give the Keynote Address.

The Agricultural Summit runs from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Friday Harbor Middle School and San Juan Island Grange Hall. Join fellow farmers and farm advocates from throughout the San Juan Islands for a weekend of inspiration, education, and fellowship.

For the  schedule, go to

Display tables are available free of charge to non-profit organizations, with one organization representative admitted at half price.  Tables are also available to farms wishing to display or sell their products.  Those interested in tabling should email .

A special hotel lodging package has been made available to summit participants spending the night before or after in Friday Harbor.  Contact the Orca Inn Hotel directly, at 378 2724, to reserve a single room for $49 a night, or…   sleep in a hay loft!  Heritage Farm, on San Juan Island, has generously offered their barn loft (with a shared bathroom) for up to 10 summit participants.  Bring your own camping mattress, sleeping bag, pillow, and towel.  No smoking allowed!  Email to sign up.

And don’t forget to register for the summit

The summit will be preceded by a showing of the film “Symphony of the Soil”, Friday evening at the San Juan Island Grange Hall. Symphony of the Soil is a richly informative and inspiring look at that most precious and essential layer of the earth’s surface. The film is directed by Deborah Koons Garcia, who also directed “The Future of Food.”