Rollie Sauer showing off the thriving vegetables he volunteered to care for during his week in the School Garden last summer.

By Madie Murray

We have three weeks already filled by volunteers who will be visiting the School Garden an hour each morning for a week during the summer when school is out. We need to fill just 4 more weeks! You could team up with a friend, or just spend some solitary time with the ever-so-grateful vegetables, herbs and edible flowers, watering, digging, talking to the plants, and weeding to your heart’s content.

To say “thank you,” you may take home (or give to the food bank, a friend, the senior center or whomever you like) whatever needs harvesting during your watch. Our garden yields some of its finest crops when school is not in session, and this is one of the ways we can share with the community all the community has given us. Call Madie Murray at 376-3064 to sign up for the week of your choice!

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