Thursday, June 17, 6 p.m., Orcas Library


On Thursday, June 17 the Orcas Island Library presents Captain Kevin Campion who will share his tale to save the rarest whale: the North Pacific right whale. You’ll learn about what right whales mean for modern conservation efforts in the North Pacific and Salish Sea and view scenes from the upcoming film “Right Over the Edge.”  (Click to join us Thursday, June 17 at 6 p.m. via ZOOM.

Less than 200 years ago, North Pacific right whales were frequently seen along the Pacific Rim. Commercial whaling severely depleted the population of North Pacific right whales beginning in the 19th century and continuing into the 1970’s. Today the eastern population of North Pacific right whales is critically endangered– considered by many to be the most endangered whale population on Earth. While they are no longer hunted, the whales are impacted by human activities exacerbated by their small population size. Click here to listen to their whale song and here to meet Blips, Notchy, and Spot!

Kevin is the Founder of Deep Green Wilderness  and Captain of the 86 year old Orion.  Kevin believes strongly in the power of voyaging and storytelling to engage people with conservation.   After earning his captain’s license and a degree in evolutionary biology, Kevin headed out to sea. Since that day he has crossed two oceans and sailed a variety of boats on five of the seven seas.   Kevin also serves as Board Chair for the Orcas-based SeaDoc Society.  A life-long whale fan, surfer, skateboarder and sailor, Kevin thrives on sharing the things he loves with the rest of the world, especially if it has to do with whales.