Monday, June 18, 6 – 7:30, San Juan Grange

— from Shann Weston for San Juan Grange —

Do you have a sense of humor? Can you see it or measure it? No, but you DO know when you (or someone else) have lost it. In the same way, a sense of place is invisible– but essential– to give you grounding in your daily life, A “sense of place” has been described as “playful learning” and “developing an ecological identity.” Deciding to belong to a place has many facets, including ongoing exploration, a hobby that keeps providing brain enhancing activities and outdoor appreciation.

The Salish Sea is a world class transboundary ecosystem, and it needs people who know and care about it. “Active hope” describes how we can respond to the challenges and threats of the Salish Sea with unexpected resilience and creative power.Whether you are newly arrived or old island roots or somewhere in between (or even just visiting) , this presentation will give you a new perspective and inventive ideas! Join San Juan islander Shann Weston and Lopez Islanders Nikyta Palmisani and Milla Prince.

Come at 5 p.m. for the potluck (or bring your own dinner). The presentation will be from 6-7:30 p.m., to allow our fellow islanders to get home.

This event is part of the San Juan Island Grange lecture series, which strives to foster social and political engagement, discussion, and to maintain our historical hall as a home for celebrations and programs.

The grange is nonpartisan, and so is this event. All are welcome. The San Juan Island Grange has been a community of growers, makers, and keepers since 1931.