— from the San Juan County Democrats —

The San Juan County Democrats have announced results of the party’s first ever vote by email on motions to endorse certain candidates and measures in the elections on November 4, 2014.

As a result of this vote, a Yes vote is endorsed on the following:

•  Jamie Stephens for San Juan County Council Position #3 (Lopez).

•  Randy Gaylord for San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney.

•  Kristine Lytton for Washington State Representative Position #1 from 40th Legislative District.

•  Rick Larsen for Congressional Representative from Washington District #2.

•  San Juan County Proposition #1 – Six-year lid lift levy.

•  San Juan County Hospital District #1 – Continuation of levy for emergency medical services.

•  State Initiative Measure #594 – Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers.

•  State Initiative Measure #1351 – Concerns K-12 education.

A No vote is endorsed on:

•  State Initiative Measure #591 – Concerns firearms.

Only those candidates who requested endorsement were eligible for this vote, including candidate running unopposed. Whatever your position on these measures, registered voters in San Juan County are urged to vote on or before November 4. Votes can be cast only via mail-in ballot. Any questions should be directed to David Dehlendorf, Chair, San Juan County Democrats, at 378-1082.