Monday, November 4, 1-2:30 p.m., Senior Center

— from Lena Kassa for Orcas Senior Center —

Do you want to know what the rocks are around your house and what lies below the ground surface? Come learn about the complicated and unique geology of Orcas Island on Monday, November 4 at 1-2:30 p.m. at Orcas Senior Center with Julia Turney and Norman Gilinsky.

The first half of this 90-minute presentation will cover geologic principles, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, geologic maps, geologic time, and how we read the history of the earth from its rocks.

The second half will focus on Orcas Island bedrock formations—from the Turtleback Formation to the Nanaimo Group—and on the young glacial sediments that lie above them. We’ll also bring some Orcas Island rock samples to examine and talk about.