— from Rick Hughes, San Juan County Council —

I’ve had a few questions on why SJC has asked the state to allow the county to move forward on a modified phase 3, here are some of my thoughts.

San Juan County has had the most strict rules in the state with the lodging ban, 24 hour for room turn, mask order, etc. Some … will say great, but no enforcement. I feel like our community did well, most in the lodging business closed down, business prepared to keep their employees and customers safe and I see masks on most people.

We have learned a lot about COVID over the last three months. Our community did a great job isolating, we mostly closed down and we stayed safe. 

SJC now has led the state in asymptomatic testing, contact tracing, we have enough test kits to test anyone who has symptoms. SJC is beginning a symptomatic testing for front line workers, on a regularly scheduled basis. There are 10 trained nurses for contact tracing that are on call 24/7, the county trace record is under 24 hours, our first responders have months of PPE and the county has a matched amount in reserve. The county has distributed 15,000 mask to the community and there is guaranteed ICU space at three hospital. SJC staff has backup surge plans and locations.

SJC numbers exceed all the state requirements; the health officer and staff is ready to move forward.

These are not easy decisions and they are not about greed.

I love this community more than anything and I wake up every morning knowing I need to help find a balance between keeping everyone safe and having some kind of an economy.

I accept the fact that every day I will make a decision that someone or many may not like. But I promise to work as hard as possible to keep our community safe and keep a new economy going.

I am so proud of our community, for all the sacrifices, hard work and support for each other.

It’s time to move forward cautiously, be willing to adapt as situations change.

We will be ok, strong together!

Be safe, wash your hands, check on your neighbors, buy local and wear a cool mask!

As always, thank you for the opportunity to serve Orcas Island and San Juan County.

My thoughts are with each and every one of you every day.