— from San Juan County Communications —
Orcas PnRSan Juan County officials have won funding and identified property to solve a serious parking problem on Orcas Island and potentially make it easier for residents, businesses, and visitors to travel to the Island.

In recent weeks, County Manager Mike Thomas has consulted with the Governor’s office and Washington’s Department of Transportation about using 4.5 acres of state-owned property adjacent to the ferry staging area at Orcas Landing. This, after Councilmember Rick Hughes successfully lobbied the legislature for a $760,000 appropriation to develop a park and ride facility. In addition to parking, anticipated uses for the property include a picnic and overlook area, charging stations for electric vehicles and possibly auto rentals.

“This project will solve a long-festering parking problem for Waldron residents, who need to leave their vehicles on Orcas for long periods of time,” Councilman Hughes said. “It will also make the island more accessible to visitors who will be able to walk onto the ferry in Anacortes and access the many attractions here by renting a smart car or other vehicle at the landing.”

County Manager Thomas said Transportation Secretary Lynn Peterson expressed interest in the project during a visit earlier this year.

“Secretary Peterson was excited that this project could increase the number of people who can, practically, use the ferry system without increasing the number of automobiles the system has to handle,” Thomas said. “While this will certainly be a great benefit to islanders who need parking, we also expect it to be a boon for the tourist industry, by increasing access to Orcas Island.”

Thomas is confident that the County will be able to negotiate either a long-term lease for the property or perhaps obtain title to it through a grant from WSDOT. Meanwhile, preliminary project planning is expected to begin in 2016 with construction slated for 2017 when the state funds are made available. County staff will seek public input as the design process moves forward.