The Whale Museum is holding a virtual “Species in the Spotlight” workshop in partnership with NOAA.  Taking place the weekend of February 10-12, 2021, the intent is to learn about the species highlighted by NOAA that are most likely going to go extinct in the near future and what on-going recovery efforts, research, and education efforts are underway to prevent their extinction.

This workshop is ideal for those wishing to continue their education as a naturalist or for those who simply love marine life and want to know more! Presentations will be given virtually (through Zoom) by NOAA researchers and managers on: Atlantic Salmon Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment (DPS), Central California Coast Coho Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU), Cook Inlet Beluga Whale (DPS), Hawaiian Monk Seal, Pacific Leatherback Sea Turtle, Sacramento River Winter-run Chinook (ESU), Southern Resident Killer Whale (DPS), White Abalone, and North Atlantic Right Whale. This workshop will will include 3 half-day sessions going from approximately 10:00 am to 2:00 pm (Pacific Time) each day. Zoom link(s) and agenda will be emailed to registrants closer to the start of the course.

Tuition is $90 for Museum/SSAMN members/Orca Adopters or $115 for non-members.  Registration is available via The Whale Museum’s website, https://whalemuseum.org/products/twmvwspeciesinthespotlight .

For more information, contact Tracie Merrill via email at tracie@whalemuseum.org.