I am happy to report that we had our pre-application meeting with the County Department of Community Development (DCD) on Wednesday this week. It was a beautiful day and a hopeful meeting. The goal was to tour the property, walk the wetlands area, discuss plans, and answer any questions concerning the development potential for the Pea Patch property. 

Peter Harrison and Brooke Sullivan from the DCD will now go over all the information, through the regulations, and discern what is possible. They have a goal to have a written report back to us in a few weeks. This should give us a good idea as to whether the developable area of the property is big enough to hold the Food Bank, the Community Resource Center, and rental housing provided by OPAL. Fingers crossed!

The Give Orcas campaign is in full swing. Congratulations to the Community Resource Center for placing #1 on Ben Franklin Day, earning a bonus of $1,000. Friends of Olga Store came in 2nd, earning $500, and the Animal Protection Society clinched 3rd for $250. Thank you to the hundreds of folks who contributed!

While the campaign has been going well, we are significantly behind the totals of previous years. We are hoping that everyone who has yet to give will jump in this week at GIVEORCAS.org. Monday is Unique Donor Day, with another round of bonuses at play, so we hope that provides a good boost for all.

This weekend there are fabulous local productions at both the Grange and the Orcas Center, the Farmers Market, and a Mother’s Day Fest at Warm Valley Farm — something for everyone.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend. Hug your Mom if you are able.

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